Our story

Our story started after our co-founder and director, Tom Rocke, discovered a disconnect between growing TikTok accounts and new brands hoping to tap into their markets. Rocke's account had accumulated a following of upwards of 10,000 followers, with many of his posts averaging a few million likes each. He had a steady engagement rate of 4.8% yet had no way of reaching out to brands. Likewise, companies could not find him to help advertise their products. He had an account with the potential to grow but couldn't find the validation sponsorships provided to help aspiring TikTokers move from micro to macro. After partnering with our co-founder and director Finn Horton, we saw an opportunity to bridge this gap between brands and their TikTok markets. 

To us, TikTok is still a fresh and evolving market that taps into a generation of aspiring 'foodies'. Many users look to TikTok for quick and easy meals. With videos ranging from 15 seconds to 10 minutes, it's easy to see why short cooking videos have been trending since their creation in 2016. 

As an audience seeing an aspiring cook producing new content each week and being excited to use a refreshing new product leaves many wanting to try it themselves. Additionally, trends like the Little Moons challenge saw a product go viral in January 2021, establishing the potential Tiktoks has as a marketing platform. 

Started by the mochi ice cream brand Little Moons, the viral challenge created 15,000 TikTok videos and generated over 150 million views. As a result, the Grocer's annual Top Product Survey stated that Little Moons added an extra £17.6m in value sales in 2021, registering a growth of 900%.

Not every form of advertisement has to be a viral challenge. However, the ability TikTok has to create a style of campaigning that uses multiple accounts to promote one product is a new and cost-effective way of social media marketing. For example, micro to macro TikTok accounts that use hashtags promoting similar cooking styles creates a grouping of similar creators with a collective number of followers surpassing one mega influencer. Using multiple micro and macro accounts with high engagement rates constructs a linear way of marketing on the platform. The result is that a budget spent on a mega influencer can be spread across many accounts, helping to connect more audiences to new products. Another aspect of this is a consistent appearance of a product as one scrolls through the app. It's easy to scroll past one account after the other and miss that one product placement. But with multiple Tiktokers using a product, including an influencer the consumer enjoys, it helps establish a viral aspect of the product and the brand. Ultimately this generates an excitement towards something new and refreshing used by up-and-coming influencers.

We're a young company looking for an opportunity to showcase our techniques, research and passion for food and cooking. We believe that growing TikTokers have the potential to help connect untapped communities to companies looking to launch exciting new products. However, we also understand that doing this research and curation alone is hard. So our position is to be the option a company has to outsource this research and time to a group like Carrick Connections. In the end, we will fix this disconnect and help grow new brands with the support of ripening influencers.

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